Literature has confirmed the importance of exercise and healthy meals and how it leads to healthier psychological well-being. In addition, it has been noted how beneficial it is to include our family members when we talk about depression. (Chatzisarantis, et al., 2021).
Not only can eating well help us to feel better but also when we feel better, we are more likely to continue to eat healthily. Paying attention to our own eating (self-monitoring) or changing our temporal focus seem to be ways to help us to achieve healthy eating. (Polivy and Herman, 2014). In the same vein, it is important to provide healthy eating education that is individualized, includes family and friends in the educational process (for instance, how to prepare meals and reviewing poor meals) and to promote healthy eating behaviours in community mental health centres, group homes and GP facilities. Moreover, literature shows the importance of health care and community support and how eating can be a response to emotions and exploring the impact of psychiatric medications on eating behaviours. (Barre, et al., 2011)

Another aspect we need to consider is restful sleep. It is seen in young people not only how sleep deprivation leads to the consumption of fast food and avoiding the consumption of vegetables or fruits, but also to an increase in the consumption of energy drinks, sugar-sweetened beverages, and causes breakfast skipping and how there is reciprocity amongst unhealthy eating and sleep deprivation. Conversely, it is seen how the worse an adult or child eats the less active they are. Regular physical activity is another important factor to have in consideration as it also has positive effects on sleep quantity along with the reduction of obesity, heart diseases, and diabetes. (Briguglio, et al., 2020)